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Our Mission:
Ensure that health and safety groups are key players in the UK health and safety system and in the delivery of
UK health and safety strategy.
Our Vision:
1. A powerful and thriving network of health and safety groups in every part of the UK,
working to disseminate vital information to the grass roots.
2. Groups reaching out to and working in partnership with all those in their local communities who have a role to play in ensuring that workplaces are healthy and safe.
3. An effective channel for feeding back views and experiences to health and safety authorities and other key national stakeholders.
4. A positive partnership between the groups movement and all other key players in occupational health and safety including the HSE, RoSPA, IOSH, IIRSM, BSC, BOHS and NEBOSH.
5. New path-finding projects undertaken by Groups to raise awareness of problems and demonstrate solutions to establish good practice.
6. Recognition and support for the key role which groups play by key intermediaries such as employers associations, trades unions, training bodies and all other organisations which can help to promote and advance their work.

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